Sunday, February 14, 2016

Because I love this country

That day was beautiful; the sky was clear blue and the sunlight felt really warm on my skin. I was the only person waiting at the tram stop, but I could see a few passersby walking relaxedly, probably enjoying the wonderful summer weather as they head towards their destinations. I really like living in this city… it’s peaceful, clean, organized, and it has stunning nature. I don’t think it would be hard for me if I decided to stay here longer or even permanently… but no… I knew, without a single drop of doubt, that I would choose to come back. As soon as I finish my work here, I would come back.

Yea… come back to that place which, despite of all the chaos and disorder it has within, is the place where I was born and nurtured. It’s like loving a mother. You can’t choose from whose womb you were born from but you’ll love her no matter what. That’s why a homeland is also called a motherland, and Indonesia is exactly that to me. It was from its rich soil that I ate… It was from its water that I drank and bathed… and it was from its magnificent jungle that I found my passion… and for that, I am forever grateful.

So here I am back in my country. Living here feels so much harder now. It’s crowded, inefficient, its land, water and air are heavily polluted… but here I am nonetheless... Here to return the favor... Here… to love her.

I remember a dear old friend telling me something about love. He told me loving someone should be like loving yourself. You want a true happiness for yourself and that is what you should also be giving to someone you love. And what is that true happiness?  It’s Allah’s grace and mercy. So, that’s what I’m gonna give to this country.

“… Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves… ” (Q.S 13:11) 

A country is shaped by its people. Thus, if Indonesia is to get the blessing from Allah, then its people must pave the way to it. They have to have the will and determination to create that ideal future. In order to do so, they must have the right motivation, and such motivation wouldn’t last unless it is attached to the right foundation. For Muslims, that foundation is tauhid1.

So to prove my love for this country, my way forward is clear. Spread the message of tauhid... Plant it firmly on the souls of every Muslims…  Help them realize that only when their dreams and hopes for this country are fueled and steered by tauhid will that bring true happiness to our dear motherland.


1 Q.S 14:24-25. In these two verse Allah made a parable about the word of tauhid (there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah). He illustrated that the word of tauhid is like a good tree. This kind of tree has strong roots. Because of that strong root, the tree is not easily swayed or knocked down by external forces such as wind. Moreover, firmly fixed root ensures good nutrients absorption which will allow the tree to thrive, grow and produce fruits that benefited many. Yusuf Ali made a beautiful commentary about this parable: “The goodly tree is known for: (1) its beauty: it gives pleasure to all who see it; (2) its stability: it remains firm and unshaken in storm because its roots are firmly fixed in the earth; (3) its wide compass: its branches reach high and it catches all the sunshine from heaven and gives shade to countless birds in its branches and men and animals beneath it; and (4) its abundant fruit: which it yields at all times.” The goodly tree is a personification of a true Muslim.

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